Thursday, May 03, 2007

2 Very embarrassing moments in my life....

Hoppy from SBA is trying to get us all the update our blogs. I just haven't been very organized lately and well it's about it drive me crazy. I just can't seem to catch up. I finish both classes tonight and then I have a 1 1/2 weeks off before they start again. Do you think I will get anything done during that week - no I will probably be a slug until right toward the end and try to kill myself to get everything done and then I'll be tired again. LOL Story of my life!

One of the most embarrassing moments of my life has to been when I was about 20. I had a dress on and was in a dress shop to go tan. When I came out of the tanning bed my full skirt was stuck in the back of my panty house and luckily the lady told me. There was a man in there waiting to tan and I'm sure he saw my underwear!LOL Thankfully this was way before the time of butt floss and when I was much younger!

The second one has to deal with a dress again and my darling daughter. I had on this long blue jean dress with a full skirt on and I was waiting in line at Best Buy to have my computer repaired. At the time Erynn was probably around the age of 3 and she was twirling around my legs while I was in line. I had a whole line of people behind me and suddenly I feel air and then my skirt goes back down. My darling daughter had just flashed everyone behind me with a view of my butt. I never turned around I just picked her up and held her the rest of the time. Talk about mortified!LOL

Oh I forgot about the start of my bad luck with dresses. It started when I was in kindergarten wearing a dress my mom had made for me. It was pink and I loved the material. It was so cute. The dress had a high waist on it. At recess I sat down on the swing to swing and the whole front part of the wasit came undone. The teacher on duty sent me to the office and they pinned my dress back together again. My mom never made me another piece of clothing after that!LOL

So see this is why I never wear full skirts or dresses anymore. Way too many embarrassing things happen to me in a dress.


Anonymous said...

These so made me laugh!!

And now I need to go blog about my mortifying dress experience.

Michelle Quinno said...

too funny, Angie! You made me laugh & I needed that! Thanks.