Monday, June 09, 2008

June 8th

We spent the whole day in the car driving home. Erynn and I both couldn't wait to get home. So she slept and I set the cruise control and we drove. We left South Dakota at 6am and got home by 7:30pm. I never want to get in a car again!

It felt great to sleep in my own bed last night. We drove a total of 4373 miles last week and saw a ton. I really hope that it's a trip that Erynn will remember and look back on. I totaled up the gas last night and I spent $362 on 86 gallons of gas. My little car got about 50 miles to the gallon. How cool is that! I set the cruise control the majority of the time and tried to keep my foot off the gas!

Thanks everyone for following our trip. Now the rest of the week will be laundry, laundry!


Anonymous said...

Welcome home!!!!!!!!

What a neat trip. I had so much fun following you guys through the different states and landmarks.

I'm glad you back safe and sound.

Have a great week. pb

Chef Gaynol said...

Glad you're home! At least you have to wash clothes that have been someplace. Mine haven't even been off the island this week.

Michelle Quinno said...

Unbeliveable on the mileage! Glad you're back safe and sound!!